6 Weeks Don't Define the Season - It'll Get Better

"It's because you only play once a week, [there's] a lot to talk about over the course of those seven days," Brady said. "I think it's important for us players not to ride the roller-coaster of emotions that your family may have, or your friends may have, or the questions that we get.
"There's seven teams in the AFC that are 3-3, there are seven that are below 3-3, and there's two that are better than us. We played one of those [Baltimore], and we were up nine points with however long to go, and the other team [Houston] got beat by a bunch of points the other night," he said.
"So who are you, it's week-to-week, it all depends on how well you play. Every week is going to be something different, so you can sit here and say we're the greatest team ever, we're the worst team of all time, compare this year to last year. We're 3-3, we haven't earned a better record than that, we haven't played well enough and consistently enough to be better than that."
"But I don't think six games defines a season, and I think that what will define our season is what we do over the next 10 weeks."

Yeah, there has been a lot of doom and gloom talk this week, and second guessing is rampant. But, this team has lost it's three games by a total of four points. FOUR points. The next seven weeks shape up this way: vs. Jets, @ Rams, Bye, vs. Bills, vs. Colts, @ Mia before Houston and then San Fransisco come to New England. This team has seven weeks to figure out what is ailing them. When we went into this season, we knew there would be growing pains with this defense. We have 3 rookies basically starting, and have one of, if not THE, youngest defense in the league. Last week they went into the game without one of their starting safeties, and lost another one during the game. Before the 4th quarter, were people calling the defense as bad as they are now? They had a 6 drive stretch of, fumble fumble punt punt punt fumble where the longest drive was 7 plays. Granted, they allowed two TDs on the final three drives (which wouldn't have even been a factor if the offense had done ANYTHING), something that CANNOT happen. But, was the defense horrible? No. It had stretches where it looked fucking amazing, and stretches where it looked horrible. THIS IS FIXABLE PEOPLE. The DBs aren't as bad as you think. Things will turn around, and as we get some momentum during this stretch of easy games, I guarantee you will all jump back on the Super Bowl Bandwagon.

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