Tedy Has No Problem With Richard Sherman, Do You?

Hi Teddy. Do you think Richard Sherman twitter comments were classless. And do you think he has the guts to say to Vince Wilfork instead of going after a franchise quaterback?

Tommy, Vince Wilfork doesn't play offense and Tom Brady was talking trash out there, too. The Seahawks' secondary had a huge day. There was trash-talking going on during the game, and when you win a game like that, you earn the right to talk some trash. If you're Seattle, you just shut down the highest scoring offense in the league and its quarterback was challegning you during the game. It's a little trash talking; I have no problem with it.

In his weekly chat at ESPN, Tedy was asked the above. He had a response that I didn't quite expect. He doesn't have a problem with this, but I do. Fuck Richard Sherman, he can go to hell. You insult Brady, you insult Boston, you insult New England, and the football gods will come back to you. Anyway, what do y'all think? As always, follow me @CultOfBelichick