Belichick, Kraft, Spikes among witnesses in Hernandez Trial
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Photo Courtesy of BRENT SMITH/REUTERS |
Amongst the common folk the Commonwealth is looking to call upon are several familiar names. Patriots head coach Bill Belichick, Patriots head of security Mark Briggs, Partios Owner Robert Kraft, Patriots strength and conditioning coach Harold Nash, Miami Dolphins center Mike Pouncey, and Buffalo Bills line backer Brandon Spikes headline a list of people with connections to the former tight end accused of murdering a total of three men and being addicted to Angel Dust.
It is no surprise that Belichick and Briggs appear on the list but both for different reasons. Belichick because of his 34 text messages with Hernandez and Briggs for either not knowing enough about the double life being led by the troubled athlete or knowing everything and not reporting the information.
Spikes and Pouncey were teammates of Hernandez at the University of Florida and both had a relationship with him after making it to the NFL. Pouncey was served a subpoena by Massachusetts authorities last October as reported by ESPN.
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