Ring Envy - What Bills Fans Said - 12/23
Bills fans weren't really embracing the whole holiday spirit thing. A city full of Scrooge's were angry/upset/any other negative emotion you can think of, that they had to play the Pats and watch them clinch the AFC East. But that's pretty normal. Merry Christmas, friends!
I feel an upset coming. Changing of the guard starts today! Lets go Buffalo! 27-24 Bills!
This will be followed by the mandatory drug test thread
The fear of our imminent slaughter has constipated me.
41-13 Cheaters....
When was the last time week 16 was important to the Pats?
Not a chaaaaaance we win today.
Im going to my friends house for the game we live in mass its gonna be all cheater fans there. Cmon Bills
death to the cheaters!!!
Listening to all the Patriots Love on the NFL Today and how they don't need to worry about the Bills or the Jets.... I REALLY want to see an upset today.
Allen will be 1st rookie to win in NE since..... why not? ok dont answer that. But he will.
3 and out for both teams. Time to stop being stupid and throw the football. Run run pass punt isn't a good game plan!
Stupid runs up the middle that had no chance of going anywhere with our terrible OL.
OMG another easy first down dropped. The morons will look at Allens completion % though.
Let's end Brady's career today!!!
Why can't these a**holes catch the ball for Allen?
Bills are ranked 27th in red zone defense. Don’t let the top 5 D in the league fool you.
That was pathetic. They're playing like a team that doesn't believe they belong playing NE.
Perfect throw. Forster loses the ball in the sun. LMAO. Just shoot me.
What the Ffffffuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk with these drops???
I can’t watch this team against the Pats. It’s beyond infuriating how Belecheat has our number. I wouldn’t be surpised if he has someone on the inside feeding him our plays. Makes no sense how one team can dominate another for so freakin long.
No idea why NE is throwing. I guess Brady can't help himself.
Huge MOFO turnover!!!!!!!!! That's what NE gets for passing. They are running through our D like diarrhea and they start passing.
43 yard FG hits the cross bar WTF
I hate NE so much I would probably root for ISIS in a game against them
Refs are already showing who’s side they’re on.
Should of just gone for it if your'e kickers hurt. Hell. Your'e 5-9 and playing the Patriots. Should of just gone for it if your kicker wasn't hurt.
My wife told me that if I had a dollar for every girl who found me unattractive, girls would find me VERY attractive.
Block in the back on the kicking team. First time ever seen that and of course it's to NE's benefit. **** OFF NFL!
134 rushing in 20 minutes. Is that bad?
So stupid. Like the Pats needed some made up call to kick our ass. The NFL just proves they're in the tank for NE with calls like that.
I hate this team the most when we play the Pats
I hate playing the patriots.
Yay. We got another turnover so we can have another 3 and out.
I think....no....I know I need a drink
Man 3 turnovers and we are down 14.
Guess the refs got the check from Kraft
well, I've seen enough, on to wrapping presents.
They keep showing the crowd. Boston people are really ugly.
Wow...I had a god feeling about this game coming in for some reason. Don't know what I was thinking. This game is a total microcosm of the past 20 years against this douchebags.
Makes you wonder what kind of catching drills these clowns do.
Fricken Houston is gonna cough up the 2nd seed too.
Fish lost. That will make it official. The Pats won the AFCE today.
Houston is about to give up 2nd seed to the Pats. ****ers.
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