Sammy Morris aspiring to become Comedy Writer

That's right. Former Patriots running back is taking lessons at the Improv Asylym in Boston's north end and hopes to become a comedy writer.

He's got a twitter account where he busts out some jokes and is apparently trying to get Matt Light to star in a video that he wrote.


This all according to a WEEI article yesterday.
Finally taking Leslie’s[his wife] advice, Morris signed up for classes at Improv Asylum earlier this year, though he accidentally registered for improv rather than sketch writing.

Morris remembers being more nervous in his improv classes than he was in any high-pressure situation in the NFL. It wasn’t something he’d been doing since he was a kid, and it wasn’t something he’d been paid millions to do. It was new.

“You play in front of 70,000, 80,000 fans, and when you practice you've got media and all the cameras in your face all the time,” Morris said of his playing days. “Doing improv with like 20 people in the class to me was more nerve-racking than [the attention that came with football], kind of being out of my element.”

After following through with the improv class he had mistakenly taken, Morris took Level 1 and Level 2 sketch writing.

Apparently not even Morris' improv instructor, Trevor Livingston (who I actually know, oddly enough) knew who Morris was at first:

Evan Kaufman, who taught Morris’ Level 2 sketch writing class, recalls talking to Trevor Livingston, Morris’ Level 1 improv teacher, when Morris was first taking classes. A Patriots fan, Livingston himself didn’t realize who his student was.

"He was kind of like, 'This guy in my improv class is in good shape,'" Kaufman said, "and then after the final class was over, he realized, because Trevor's a big Patriots fan, who he was. I think somebody said his full name or something and Trevor realized it.”

Morris describes himself as kind of a shy guy and prefers to write rather than act. He cites movies such as "Dumb and Dumber" or "Anchorman" as some of his influences.

Can he make it as a comedy writer in Hollywood? Well, being a minor celebrity certainly won't hurt his chances. Best of luck to Sammy Morris. I'll definitely watch the Matt Light video, for now we just have the below for Matt Light comedy: