Contest: Win any Patriots' jersey by guessing how many points the Bucs score on the Pats

We're excited to announce we've got another giveaway for you. This one is a Patriots jersey courtesy of our friends at Crown Royal. It can be any player, any size. All up to you. You just have to win!

As some of you may know, I've been competing in the Crown Royal Reign On fantasy league with other football bloggers around the country. Last week I scored more points than any other team. One of my top scorers was the Patriots defense, led by Aqib Talib's 2 INTs they gave me 18 points. For being the top scorer, I get a Patriots jersey, which I've kindly decided to give away to you!

So, in spirit of that victory, I'm asking Patriots fans to weigh in on how the Patriots defense will fare against the Bucs. Place a guess for how many points the Bucs will score, and you could win any Patriots players' jersey you want (As long as it's available, obviously)! Guessing correctly isn't a necessity, you'll receive an entry just for participating. You can receive additional entries for adding us on social media and tweeting about the giveaway. Easy access to all of that below!


Prize: One Patriots jersey. Size and player chosen by winner.

How to Enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


We'll chose our winner randomly within 24 hours after the giveaway closes at 2:45 PM Sunday, September 22nd.

Also, be sure to like Crown Royal on facebook!