Tom Brady scares Patriots fans with ski wipe-out video

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New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady gave all of Patriots Nation a big scare when he posted a video of himself skiing on Thursday.

The video shows Brady going off of a ski jump and then wiping out in slow motion. He made light of the situation as he referenced Thumper, the ski instructor from South Park, in his caption saying, “If you French fry when you’re supposed to pizza, you’re gonna have a bad time! Trust me!!!”

Not only were the fans freaked out, he even caught former soccer star, David Beckham, off guard with his video.

“Ah man you good? You ok? Don’t be scaring us like this,” he said in a comment on Brady’s post.

Brady replied, “Hahaha yeah all good just my left shoulder which isn’t very important to me anyway hahaha.”
This isn’t the first time Brady has alarmed New England’s fans with his off-season antics. After the Patriots’ Super Bowl XLIX victory in 2015, he posted a video in which he jumped off a cliff in Costa Rica.

Please do us all a favor next time Brady, take it easy.

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