Mark Wahlberg, Cowboys super fan. C'mon c'mon, feel it feel it.

Patrick Smith/Getty Images
Dude, it's alright, you aren't a Patriots fan.  Dorchester native Mark Wahlberg told reporters at Dallas Cowboys training camp Saturday that he is re-evaluating his fandom.  Wahlburgers is opening a location at the Dallas practice facility and now Wahlberg is now naturally a Cowboys fan.  Wait, what?  

One thing that always annoyed me about famous people claiming to be fans is the transparency.  Especially actors, they pretend to be someone else for a living.  I think we can all agree that's what's happening here.  This isn't a necessarily serious article, more tongue in cheek if you will, but Mark Wahlberg certainly does not represent New England.  Now that you have so many shows and movies set in the Boston area, many actors can now drop their r's and claim their fandom in some article.

First, let's take Super Bowl LI.  He left early, claiming his kids were the issue.  I'm not going to attack a dad being a dad, but bro, where's the funky bunch when you need em?  Then in Super Bowl LII, he said it was win win for him because he played Vince Papale in the 2006 film "Invincible."  Sorry, doesn't count mon frere.  Now to stake claim in the Dallas Cowboys because you opened a burger joint at the practice facility, sorry my guy, not feeling that vibration.  You gotta have enough dough to not play the politician here.  The restaurant will be fine, 300 pounders and burgers is a natural fit.  Raise that Pat Patriot flag high.

I once got into a fight with my sister when I was 14 because she had a picture of Drew Bledsoe in her room because she thought he was cute.  Although he is very handsome, doesn't make you a fan.  Oh well, my body is healthy, my rhymes make me wealthy and the funky bunch helps me.

Image result for marky mark and the funky bunch



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