Does Alex Guerrero being on Patriots' team plane mean anything?

Elsa | Getty Images

What was said to be a controversial factor in the New England Patriots’ organization not so long ago, may not be an issue anymore.

Tom Brady’s personal trainer, Alex Guererro, was seen joining the team on the plane for their trip to Carolina for New England’s third preseason game of 2018.

Guerrero used to have an office near the Patriots locker room, fly on the team plane to road games and work on the sidelines at every game; but late last season, Bill Belichick took away those privileges. The outcome of Belichick’s decisions were major storylines of controversy and disagreements among the Patriots’ organization.

But now it could all be a thing of the past.

According to Michael Giardi of the NFL Network, Guerrero was seen joining the team for their trip, while Jim McBride of the Boston Globe reports that Brady’s trainer will not, however, be joining the Patriots on the sidelines for their game against the Carolina Panthers.

Maybe Guerrero is easing back into things with the team? Does his attendance on the plane mean anything? More storylines are sure to follow, so we’ll wait and see.

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